Monday 16 June 2008

Scots family embroiled in Narnia dispute

A Scottish family has become embroiled in an intellectual property dispute with the estate of the author CS Lewis after it bought a Narnia internet domain name for their 10-year-old son as a birthday present.

Richard and Gillian Saville-Smith, who live in Edinburgh in Scotland, paid $NZ190 to purchase the domain name from the internet registration company Fasthosts in 2006 so their son could
have it as an email address.

They were asked to return the domain name to the CS Lewis company, the owners of the author's estate, but refused.

The family then received a 128-page legal complaint filed with the World Intellectual Property Organisation (Wipo) in Switzerland.

"We'd been saving it as a surprise for our little boy's birthday to coincide with the release of the Narnia film," said Mrs Saville-Smith, referring to the British release of Walt Disney Co's The Chronicles
of Narnia: Prince Caspian.

Following the 2005 release of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Prince Caspian is the second in a series of films based on the Narnia books by Lewis, with its British premiere scheduled for June 19.

"Our whole family are great admirers of CS Lewis and he must be turning in his grave about all this," added Mrs Saville-Smith, who is an award-winning Scottish poet.

"To try to ruthlessly snatch away a gift intended for a young boy who loves his Narnia books is unbelievable."

The family must reply to the Wipo by June 23 with the organisation expected to makes its decision within a month.

"We've never made any money out of this domain and have no interest in doing so," Mr Saville-Smith, who is an accountant, said.

"We don't have the money to hire intellectual property lawyers, so we're saying 'help!' One thing for sure is that our response won't be 128 pages long, it will be more like 10 pages - we're looking at quality rather than quantity.

"Even after Wipo makes its decision that's not the end of it because either party can appeal that verdict.

"If the Wipo decides in favour of the CS Lewis estate, that would be the end of it for us. However, I don't expect they will, because their case is flimsy and we've done nothing wrong."

No-one was available for comment from Baker & McKenzie, the law firm that represents the CS Lewis estate.

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